So here it is another new year. At the moment I am figuring out a blogging app so I can blog on the go from my phone. Now all I need to do is figure out how to save as draft so it doesn't post until I am ready. The smart phone is one of the many new things to add to my "what have I accomplished" list for 2014. I must say I did pretty well.
I reissued a book in April that I published with my friend back in 2001---a historical true crime set in the 1850s. Sort of brought it into the new world of publishing. Big learning curve to learn how to format correctly. It can be found in the usual formats at the usual places. It is doing really well. As long as it sells a few everyday I'm happy. You can find it at on Amazon in paperback and Kindle edition, and at Barnes & Noble in paperback and NookBook formats, as well as on Smashwords (ePub only). You can download a free sample (mobi, epub or PDF) at Noisetrade books.
I also signed a contract with The History Press to publish my book on Indian Land Title in New York State. I am quite excited about this as it's not always easy to find a publisher for local non-fiction. They have some wonderful local history books depicting just about everywhere in the USA. My book will be out sometime after May in 2015 based on my deadlines.
The other big accomplishment of last year was that I quit smoking. Yep, I've been ciggy free since September 25th. Toss in the birth of another grandchild and the marriage of my daughter, and all in all, it's been a good year!