(Revamping the blog. Please excuse the odd headings. Working on it!)

Writing History & Mysteries

When I'm not delving into historical research, I'm planning a character's demise.

The blog of Cindy Amrhein

Historian - Author - Abstractor

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Snippet Pepper's Story 01

Welcome to my Sunday Snippet. Since hubby and I went on a date to the drive-in last night and I totally forgot to get on the Weekend Writing Warriors list, I decided to post from another story. Don't want to cheat some of my Milk Carton Murders followers of a segment, you know? This...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Milk Carton Murders 25

Hal, Dave's dad, was accused of the 20-year-old murder of one of the girls who was found by the creek-- one of the many foster children that passed through Dave's house as a child. Hal agrees to go to the sheriff's station to try and explain his side. He makes sure Dave...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Recycle Bin Gardening

No Weekend Writing Warriors/Sunday Snippet for me today folks.  I have remodeling projects going on and must take advantage of the one day hubby is home. Plus it's the end of most of my veggies and I have piccalilli relish to make, zucchini to freeze, pickles to do, and...

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Milk Carton Murders 24

Last week Dave was having a bit of a meltdown when his dad, Hal, was accused of the 20-year-old murder of one of the girls who was found by the creek-- one of the many foster children that passed through Dave's house as a child. Dave's voice in his head is more intrusive...

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Milk Carton Murders 23

Last week, Hal (Dave's dad) was about to be arrested by Investigator Pepper Black for the 20 year old murder of one of the girls who was found by the creek. Sheriff Nazzaro shows up at Dave's house after the station is called to send a squad car. Dave and Pepper exchange...

Available in paperback and eBook formats

Available in paperback and eBook formats

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Carried by over 40 college/university libraries across the county, according to daily updates by worldcat.org, including Columbia University, Oklahoma State, Texas A & M, and Yale University Law Library.

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Weekend Writing Warriors

Weekend Writing Warriors

Bread & Butter the Murders of Polly Frisch

Bread & Butter the Murders of Polly Frisch
Available on Amazon

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Cindy's bookshelf: read

Waiting for Harvey
4 of 5 stars
Alone, in a cabin in the woods, with a ghost. Who could ask for more in a ghost story? Harvey starts right out with a hint of foreboding in a conversation between brothers John and Erik. Already my curiosity is roused as to what happened...
tagged: books-i-read-to-me
James Potter and the Curse of the Gate Keeper
3 of 5 stars
I randomly downloaded this on my iPad when I hit the wrong button being a bumble fingers, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I've never read fanfic before. It was pretty good. But like many other people, it still can't compare to J. K. Row...
5 of 5 stars
I beta read a few chapters of a different book by this author (one that isn't out yet) so when this one was out I had to read it as it was the same character in the one a betaed a bit of--the character of Track. I have a fondness for thi...
tagged: books-i-read-to-me
