Did you honestly think I would pick any other word? This one is a bit long. It is an 1816 case of murder I researched.
By Cindy Amrhein, Asst. Wyoming County Historian
With so much mystery still surrounding
the alleged crimes, County Historian Doris Bannister and I, set out to
see if there was any factual basis to the story. If so, did Dr. Watkins
commit murder and suicide or was he himself a victim of foul play? At
this point we did not even know the victims first names. Considering the
time frame we weren’t too hopeful in finding documentation to still
exist. As it turns out, a case of murder back then was just as big a
headline as it is today. Many newspapers reporting on the crime used a
more artistic license in their telling of the tale. Not only was the
incident printed locally, newspapers throughout the New England States
down to West Virginia and as far west as Kentucky covered the story.
Originally printed in a Warsaw, NY newspaper, the Green Mountain Farmer in Vermont reprinted the following abridged account on the 29th of April, 1816.
Warsaw (Gen. N.Y.) April 8. About three weeks since, the wife of Doct. Abel Watkins, of Middlebury, Genesee county, died of supposed fever; on which Watkins induced a neighbor, an intimate friend of his, named Perry, to move his family into the house, and take care of his children. Mr. Perry was soon taken ill, and though another physician was called, soon died. Mr. Perry & Mrs. Watkins being attended with similar symptoms, together with an appearance of familiarity between Watkins and Perry’s wife, soon created suspicions that both the deceased had been poisoned. It was found that among the medicines Perry had purchased, were some arsenic and nux vomica. Suspicions increased, and the bodies were taken up and examined by 14 physicians, who reported that their deaths were occasioned by poison. Soon after Watkins learnt this report, he retired to the woods fifteen or twenty rods from his house, and was, when found, dead, being suspended by a handkerchief to a small bush, his legs, part of his body, and his hands on the ground. Yesterday Mrs. Perry was taken into custody for examination — The two families had resided in this quarter about a year, during the latter part of which, two children have died out of each.
With our crime now verified, it was time
to put on our detective caps and track down the facts of the case.
Middlebury was still part of Genesee County in 1816, so any court
documents would be found among their records—if any survived.
Fortunately, we were able to come up with the inquest file as well as
several receipts that were submitted to the county for reimbursement by
the doctors who attend the inquest. Documentation from Genesee County,
combined with several newspaper articles, and information from our own
collection at the Wyoming County Historian’s office, we finally had
enough evidence to present a more accurate account of the Middlebury
Because Eli was here such a short time
and died soon after his arrival, it is difficult to verify his lineage.
It is possible he was related in some way to one of the other Perry
families of Middlebury. The Perry family has a long history on the
Warsaw-Wyoming Road between Fox Road and Wyoming Village in the area
where the alleged crimes were committed. The doctor also had
connections. Abel Watkins married Polly Whitney in 1804 in Hinesdale
(then called Peru), MA. Polly’s two sisters also married prominent
Middlebury settlers. Lois married Arvin Fisk and Priscilla married
Comfort Curtis.
On April 9th a committee was appointed
among the men who had been involved in the investigation. They issued an
affidavit, much like a modern day press release, to set the story
straight. The signers on the affidavit were Samuel Webster, a Middlebury
Baptist Minister; Dr. Chaunecy L. Sheldon, and Daniel Knapp, both from
Warsaw; along with Russell Abel and Miles Clark. Their first hand
version of the events, along with court documents now reveals a more
accurate version of the story.
On the night of March 29th, Eli Perry
became sick, to what the good doctor attributed to cholera morbus.
Watkins began treating Eli for his illness but two days later Eli was no
better and the doctor was giving him up for dead. Dr. Sheldon from
Warsaw was called in for an opinion and attended to him all day until 9
o’clock at night. Eli’s symptoms appeared to be subsiding and with some
improvements seen in his health, Dr. Sheldon went home. Dr. Watkins
attended to the patient the rest of the night but by the following
morning, Eli Perry was dead.
Suspicion was immediately aroused by the
towns people as Eli Perry’s condition the night before had seemed much
better. With the doctor’s wife recently dying of unknown causes and now
Mr. Perry, the citizens were wondering if Dr. Abel Watkin’s feelings
toward Catherine Perry was more then just friendship. With the symptoms
of both Polly Watkins and Eli Perry being so similar, gossip was
spreading that they had been poisoned by Doctor Watkins. It was
suggested to Dr. Watkins that he should ask the bodies to be dug up and
examined by a jury of physicians to prove him innocent of any wrong
doing. The doctor admitted he had bought arsenic from Dr. Spaulding for a
man whose name he could not remember nor where the man lived. The man
never showed up for the arsenic, claimed Abel Watkins, so he gave it a
neighbors dog—although the newspaper article notes the dog did not die.
(This is obviously where the rumor of the stomachs being fed to a dog
comes from.)
On Friday, April 5th, a “Council of
Examination” was held, along with 14 physicians. Rev. Samuel Webster was
in charge of handling the arrangements and billed
the county $14.00 for reimbursement of supplies. Samuel Webster took
the doctors to the graveyard to raise the bodies of Eli Perry and Polly
Watkins. Eli Perry’s stomach was removed and taken to a nearby house for
examination. The doctors concluded through their observations that some
mineral substance greatly corroded his stomach and the group of
physicians suspected arsenic poisoning. After several chemical
experiments they were certain. Samuel Webster’s bill confirms that some
form of testing was done. Samuel charged fifty-cents for “two foul
killed in the operation of experiments”.
By the documented dates and times
indicated, the doctors must have worked into the night. About 3:00 A.M.
Dr. Watkins was informed of their findings. Before the autopsy of Polly
Watkins began, the alarm was sounded that Abel had disappeared. At
sunrise on Saturday the 6th a search was commenced and his body was
found about 15 rods (247 feet) from his house. Abel Watkins was dead. He
was found suspended by a 50¢ silk handkerchief around his neck that was
tied to a small sapling or bush about 2″ thick. His legs, part of his
body and his hands were on the ground. The doctors presumed it was
suicide. Horace Gibbs, Genesee County Coroner, was immediately sent for.
Mrs. Watkins body was then examined by
the physicians. It was concluded that she was murdered as well by the
now deceased Watkins by “mineral and vegetable poison”. The newly
widowed Catherine Perry was taken into custody as an accessory to the
murders and her statement taken by Daniel Knapp of Warsaw at a fee of
$2.00. By other receipts submitted to the county we know almost all of
the doctors that attended: Samuel Spaulding, of Bethany; Robert Seaver
and Anson Root, of Middlebury; Jacob Nevins, Jabez Ward and Daniel
White, of Perry; and Chaunecy L. Sheldon of Warsaw. Also in attendance
was Miles Clark, Ephirum Brown Jr., and Charles Rumsey. The doctors
spent two to three days holding the inquest and examining the bodies
over the weekend at a rate of $3.00 a day. The physicians remained in
Middlebury over Saturday night. Rev. Samuel Webster arranged supper for
nine people that night, most likely the out of town doctors, at the
expense of twenty-five cents each. Webster’s bill to the county also
listed an expense for the care of the horses, 17 sheaves of oats at a
cost of 70¢.
On April 16, 1816 life was beginning to
get back to some semblance of normal. Arvil Fisk and Comfort Curtis, the
brother-in-laws to Abel Watkins, posted a $1000.00 bond to be the
administrators to Dr. Watkins estate. No will or other documents were
found in Abel Watkin’s file in Genesee County Surrogate’s Court. Since
Abel did not own any real property (land) this would not be unusual.
This might have been done as a formality because Abel still had four
minor children living and if any property was discovered, it would
belong to them. A check of the guardianship papers in Surrogate’s Court
shows that Comfort Curtis posted bonds of $500.00 a piece to become the
guardian of the four remaining Watkin’s children: Mariam, Henry, Abel
Jr. and Polly. By today’s value it would be the equivalent of over $8000
a piece—quite a hefty sum.
The horrors of that weekend in
Middlebury was finally over. However, despite all that we uncovered in
our own investigation, we are still left with the question—did Abel
Watkins really commit these unspeakable acts of murder, then kill
Despite our diligent search no records were found as to the testimony of the five witnesses nor the statement given by Catherine Perry. We do know that a court of inquiry was called against Mrs. Perry on Monday, April 8th, to which she was “honorably acquitted to the satisfaction of the people who attended her examination.”
When researching any event in local
history, one must look at what else was going on in order to get a
better picture of the world our ancestors were living in. Along with any
large migration of people came disease, often in epidemic form.
Smallpox, cholera, scarlet fever, and even diarrhea could devastate a
community in highly populated areas. In looking at our cemetery records
of known burials for Middlebury we discovered some interesting
statistics. There were six deaths in 1814, twenty-two in 1815, eight
recorded burials plus our seven victims here for a total of fifteen in
1816, and seven in 1817. Over half the deaths in 1816 were children
under eleven years old— a good indication that something else may have
been effecting the community other than a villain at large.
According to newspaper articles at the
time, much like after WWI, there was an influenza epidemic that was
reported from February of 1815 to May of 1816.
If Doctor Watkins really did
intentionally do it, as obviously people thought, the residents of
Middlebury could rationalize his reasons for taking his own life. If
however the four children, Polly Watkins and Eli Perry all died of some
epidemic-like illness it is possible in his duties as a doctor he
unintentionally help spread it. If Abel knew he was innocent of
purposeful murder, one may ask then—why would he kill himself? It is
possible he felt he would be found guilty anyway, and would rather
suffer the same fate by his own hand rather than someone else’s—or
maybe—he was the one that was murdered by someone who thought he was
guilty and took the law into their own hands. It should be remembered
the strange position in which he was found. It seems an almost
impossible feat, and only Abel Watkins knew the real answer.
On May 24, 1816 an article appeared in the Zansville Express
out of Ohio. It was reported that a Major James Brown recently died of
the prevalent epidemic, sometimes called influenza or the “cold plague.”
The circumstances were referred to as being so remarkable that the
newspaper felt some notice should be taken of it. John Brown, the
Major’s brother, was the first to become sick. Major James had gone to
take care of him during his illness, but alas, John soon died. After his
death James’s went to attended to his brother John’s estate, and upon
his return found out that his other brother, Jesse, had become ill as
well. James stayed by his brother until Jesse died three days later. On
his way home from their funeral James took ill himself and died a short
time later, followed by his brother Jesse’s wife, and his brother John’s
son. Within two months Mrs. James Brown and the elder Mr. Brown, father
of the three sons, would also pass from this world. No foul play was
ever suspected.
Originally printed in Historical Wyoming, Vol. 54, No#2, Fall 2007, a quarterly publication by the Wyoming County Historian’s Office.
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best of luck with the second half!
I like your simple commenting format. This is quite an interesting post, and good to know people are still looking for the answers to many mysteries, even two hundred years later.