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Writing History & Mysteries

When I'm not delving into historical research, I'm planning a character's demise.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

B is for Boy Scouts

February 8, 2010 marked the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts of America. In 2008, then President Bush, signed into law The Boy Scouts of America Centennial Commemorative Coin Act (H.R. 5872). On BSA's anniversary date, 350,000 silver dollar coins began to be minted and continued until January 1, 2011. The $10 surcharge on each coin was donated to scouting and the funds set up to become available to Boy Scout councils across the country in the form of grants. If you would like to find out more about what BSA National planned for the celebration, and on scouting in general visit http://www.scouting.org.
Designed by Donna Weaver and engraved by Charles Vickers.

During 2010 and 2011  I wrote a series of articles in our county historian office's quarterly, Historical Wyoming, on scouting within our county. I will be combining all these articles as a short sometime later this year.


Stay turned for more history tidbits throughout the month of April!
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  1. My oldest son was lucky enough to attend the World Scout Jamboree in England in 2007 where they celebrated the 100th year anniversary of the founding of Scouting on Brownsea Island. He then received his Eagle rank in 2010 during the centenary year of the Boy Scouts of America. Very special indeed!

    Props-n-Drops | Blogging A-Z


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