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Writing History & Mysteries

When I'm not delving into historical research, I'm planning a character's demise.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

A Book to Die For -01

Welcome back to Weekend Writing Warriors! Many of you are familiar with The Milk Carton Murders. I won't be posting more of that because I was getting to close to revealing too much. This story, however, was written to predate MCM and includes Sheriff Nazzaro and Pepper Black as well as other characters  from The Milk Carton Murders, and is set in the same rural town of Lamont.
Twenty-five-year-old Margie Webster’s body was found along a hedgerow between two farm fields—a place where she would have no reason to be. 

She had been a beautiful woman in life. If it wasn’t for the polka dot scarf around her neck it would be obvious her head was no longer attached to her body.  An adze lay only a few feet away embedded in a partially hewn log. Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro walked over to the hedgerow where the coroner, Herbert Wilde, was crouched down near the body.

“So, the murder weapon you think, Herb?” asked Clayton, with a tilt of his head towards the log.

“I’m not guessing on that one until I get her back to the morgue,” said Herb, “and not until your forensic guys have that adze removed. No mistaking who she is though.”

“Nope. Jack Webster’s daughter,” said Clayton, “worked up at McCormick’s boat rental last I heard. Quiet girl--what do make of the clothes?”

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  1. Welcome back to posting, Cindy! :-)

    What a way to start a story! I could see it all. Very familiar things mentioned in the snippet...

  2. Hi Cindy! Thanks for sharing. I really like your dialogue. I can actually hear the clipped phrases and part sentences that pass between people who have known or worked together for a long time. Nicely done!

  3. I wonder what's so special about her clothes. I guess I'll have to keep reading to find out.

  4. Yay another story! Although you gotta let me know when Milk Carton is published, because I want the first copy!

    This is a great opening for the new story. Glad to see another story with some of the same characters, I do like the people you created for Milk Carton. Hope you pick up from here next week :-D

  5. Wonderful beginning with the typical short speak of police. So sad about the dead daughter

  6. It is about time right? Now that my non-fiction book is off to the publisher its time for some murder mystery fun!

  7. Oh what the heck is this girl doing out here? Shoot. And yes, what's special about her clothing? You have me curiouser and curiouser : )

  8. Oh, I remember that polka dot scarf. :)

  9. Always lovely to have a post from you to read, such smooth prose, even as you're telling us the most tragic stories! Intriguing excerpt as always...

  10. That scarf is a creepy detail . . . Reminds me of a horror film where they don't seem dead, and they get jostled and the head falls off!


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Weekend Writing Warriors

Weekend Writing Warriors

Bread & Butter the Murders of Polly Frisch

Bread & Butter the Murders of Polly Frisch
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