It's time again for Weekend Writing Warriors where we post 10 sentences from one of our works in progress or a book we have written. This week, the investigation continues after Margie
is found dead, beheaded, along a hedgerow in a farmer's field. Her
death has something to...
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
10 - A Book to Die For
By HistorySleuthSunday, October 23, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

(Fictitious) home of Malcolm Sinclair.
Welcome to WeWriWa! I'm back with an excerpt of a finished mystery.
The setup:
Margie is found dead, beheaded, along a hedgerow in a farmer's field. Her death has something to do with the odd book club run by Malcolm Sinclair at...
Saturday, April 23, 2016
A Book to Die For - 09
By HistorySleuthSaturday, April 23, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

The estate of Malcolm Sinclair on Spirit Lake
(In real life the country club on Silver Lake in Castile, NY where I live)
Sheriff Nazzaro and Investigator Pepper Black separated the parents of
the victim. Both parents thought something was fishy about the guy...
Sunday, April 03, 2016
A Book to Die For - 08
By HistorySleuthSunday, April 03, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

Previously, Sheriff Nazzaro and Investigator Pepper Black separated the parents of the victim. Both parents thought something was fishy about the guy leading the book club where her daughter was last seen. With Clayton's permission, Pepper has decided to influtrate the book...
Sunday, March 27, 2016
A Book to Die For - 07
By HistorySleuthSunday, March 27, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

Last week Investigator Pepper Black and Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro split the parents up to question them. Alice, the victim's mother, had seen her daughter Margie once with Malcolm Sinclair, the head of the book club. He went through the motions of interest in Margie, but not...
Sunday, March 20, 2016
A Book to Die For - 06
By HistorySleuthSunday, March 20, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

We last left off with Investigator Pepper Black entering the station where Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro is trying to get answers out of the parents of the victim, Margie Webster. For some reason Jack Webster didn't want his daughter going to a certain book club and finds out his...
Sunday, March 13, 2016
A Book to Die For - 05
By HistorySleuthSunday, March 13, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, The Milk Carton Murders, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

We continue with Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro questioning the parents of Margie Webster about the daughters movements the day of her death. Alice, Margie's mother spoke up saying Margie didn't go to work like normal. She went to a book club that her father had forbidden her to...
Sunday, March 06, 2016
A Book to Die For - 4
By HistorySleuthSunday, March 06, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, Silver Lake, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

Welcome again to Weekend Writing Warriors. Last time, in A Book to Die For, Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro was questioning the parents of Margie Webster about the daughters movements the day of her death. Jack thought she had been at work at McCorrmick's Boat Rental saying she worked...
Sunday, February 28, 2016
A Book to Die For - 03
By HistorySleuthSunday, February 28, 2016A Book to Die For, Lamont, Milk Carton Murders, Silver Lake, weekend writing warriors, WeWriWa

Weekend Writing Warriors time! We last left off in A Book to Die For with Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro and Coroner
Herbert Wilde leaning over the decapitated body of a young woman found
along a hedgerow between two farm fields. They identified the girl as
Margie Webster who worked...