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Writing History & Mysteries

When I'm not delving into historical research, I'm planning a character's demise.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

A Book to Die For - 4

Welcome again to Weekend Writing Warriors. Last time, in A Book to Die For, Sheriff Clayton Nazzaro was questioning the parents of Margie Webster about the daughters movements the day of her death. Jack thought she had been at work at McCorrmick's Boat Rental saying she worked every Friday until 4. Alice, Margie's mother spoke up saying, no she didn't. It seems Alice knew a few things her hubby didn't. We pick up here.
A scene of Silver Lake, in this story Spirit Lake.

 “She didn’t what Mrs. Webster," asked Clayton.

“She didn’t go to work Friday,” Alice said, “She was supposed to--normally did--but not last Friday.”

Jack released the hold on his wife as if the shock of her words were electric. “She didn’t go in? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“She took the day off. Some day trip or other with that book club.” Alice was on the edge of collapse. “That ridiculous club of hers. You know the one, Jack; you forbade her to go.”

If you've liked my posts of The Milk Carton Murders, you should like this tale too. It was written to predate MCM and includes Sheriff Nazzaro and Pepper Black as well as other characters, from MCM.

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  1. Oh wow--such turmoil erupting. Excellent tension, Cindy! SO the daughter confided in the mom, and they both kept info from the dad...this is going to a bad place for the mom and the dad. Guilt for her, anger for him...

  2. Sounds like he might have had good reason to forbid her to go. Though I'm not sure how bad a book club could be. Very mysterious! I look forward to more. ::-

  3. Oh dear, worse and worse! Lovely tangled web, well done!

  4. I'd never thought of a book club as very sinister, but now I'm dying to know what went on in that particular one!

  5. I'm with Christina! Now I wanna know why he forbade her to go, and I sure hope you pick up from here next time!

  6. A book club rebel, huh? I wonder what they did at the book club that earned her dad's prohibition...

  7. Sounds like he was right to forbid his daughter to go -- but I anticipate some fireworks between husband and wife.

  8. OK, so now I'm consumed with pondering how a book club could be a bad thing. And why the father forbade her to go to it. And....oh, lots of things! I love reading your mysteries! Excellent excerpt, your writing is so smooth.

  9. You write tension so well and have raised a boat load of questions here. Great snippet. (Did spot a minor typo: This needs a question mark at the end, rather than a comma: “She didn’t what Mrs. Webster,")


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